Friday, October 10, 2008

April and Randy

I met April a few years ago while working in Birmingham. When she called to ask about if I could photograph their wedding in Savannah, Georgia, I was very excited. April and Randy have a very sweet loving relationship and I am very honored that I got to share in their wedding day.

Here are a few images from their wedding.

We started the day at Canvas Hair and Makeup group in Savannah, GA.

I loved this watch. It was a gift for Randy II to remember April and his dad's wedding day and to signify their family growing together. They had a vow ceremony and presented this to him. It was very touching

The bride and the flower girls right before the ceremony

On the way to the reception, we stopped for about 10 minutes at Forsythe Park.

We concluded at the reception for some very fun, sweet, and touching moments

Thank you April and Randy for allowing me to be a part of such a special

time! May God bless your marriage and lives with much love and happiness!

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